And So the Month Ends…

calendarI know everyone has already said it today, but I can’t believe it’s the last day of July. It makes a little part of me sad as life is about to start happening which makes me antsy! However, thanks to my new blogging friends I feel ready to conquer anything life has to throw at me. So bring it on life, give me the best you got! (Note: I knocked several times on wood after writing the former statement).

I was looking back at what I did this month, and I feel that July was when I really started to find my groove. I started the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, which I have yet to finish. (I’m an awful person) I recieved three blogging awards this month (I’m saying three even though it was really two of the same kind of award), the Inner Peace, the Liebster and… well the Liebster Award again.

I jumped into two new features: Wishlist Wednesday and Friday Favorites. Both are so much fun and keep me writing, even when all I want to do is stare mindlessly at the computer (I lead an exciting life).

I wrote 7 book reviews: (don’t judge my slow reading speed)



I revealed my trust in you guys by sharing a scary dream of mine: Deserted Island Interview (still gives me shudders)

I shared my embarrassing Need to Finish quirk. (I really need to learn self-control)

I totally spilled the beans on my friends convo about The Book vs. The E-Reader. (They were a bit miffed with me)

I talked about the day I got Sidetracked where I was running around the house like a mad woman distracted by every book I saw (yeah, that’s pretty much my life).

I told you guys about my peculiarities when it comes to Reading with Music. (I can be weird).

I vented (just a tiny bit) about my beliefs on the whole Reading for Fun vs. Reading for School argument.

I shared the embarrassing way my reading taste evolved (I went through a lot of phases).

And of course I enjoyed several posts this month from the following blogs:

…and many others!

July has been a fun month and I’m sure August will be even better, at least blogging wise it will. I plan to start a new weekly feature called Spread the Word dedicated to talking about a blogger that I like for any or no reason at all. I also want to make a couple changes to my blog format and rating policy so keep an eye out for those.

But now I really want to hear from you! How was July for you guys? What did you blog about? Feel free to link back to my blog so I can go through (in a non creepy way of course) your month’s worth of posts! Happy reading folks!

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11 thoughts on “And So the Month Ends…

    • Ha Ha! You know, I just started blogging this summer and I think when you first start you’re filled with this kind of new energy, but eventually it dies out. And this August, life will start happening again so it will definitely be more of a struggle for me.

      By the way I relly enjoy your blog too! 🙂

  1. You were so much busier than me! I really do love your blog. And yay for a Narnia reading. Once I have all my books out of storage, hopefully towards the end of this year, I’m going on a huge rereading kick.

    • I don’t know about busier I was just on summer vacation so my whole life turned to blogging. That definitely won’t be the case this month. I love that you love Narnia, they really are the most charming books ever! Thanks for stopping by 🙂

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