Dreaming Novel Things: Converting People to the Bookworm Religion

dreamingnovelthingsDreaming Novel Things is a feature in which I discuss book related subjects, but in a creative way. I’ll use interviews, narratives and lists to talk about book trends, book opinion and bookish matters. If you have any book related subjects you’d like to see me discuss just leave me a comment below!



BeFunky_Picture1.jpgBelieve or not but there is a process one must undertake before they can wear the Official Bookworm Badge. This process is officially converting a non-book lover into a bookworm. Once you have achieved this, you can officially wear your official badge as it will be official. If you don’t know the process (which you don’t) I have an easy step by step guide that any could follow. Yes, I made this process up and yes, it is complete and utter nonsense. Shall we move on?

1. First one must approach the topic with the non reader.  This is THE most important step as if you do it wrong you RUIN ALL CHANCES OF ENLIGHTENING THIS PERSON. You must try to engage in a casual way for example: “I got no sleep last night because I ended up reading this book all night that I couldn’t put down.” Remember to be welcoming and smile as the non reader could easily feel attacked or criticized.

2. Ask the non reader why they don’t enjoy reading. It is important to hear out their ideas without interrupting. Nod in the appropriate places and smile as if their nonsense makes sense to you. If the person feels as if you actually listened to what they said, they in turn will be more willing to listen to you. So try to look like you’re focusing on what they are saying even though every word is going in one ear and out the other. (Be sure to notice when they have stopped talking as staring at them in a dazed like way will be their biggest indicator that you weren’t listening).

3. Provide your counter arguments to their points. BUT REMEMBER, in a polite way. If you use a condescending tone or put them down for feeling the way they do you might as well write FAILURE on your forehead because you will never convert this non reader. Also, remember to use valid arguments. Simply saying, “Reading is good,” or “That’s stupid,” will do nothing to win your case. Keep smiling and make sure they are comprehending what you are saying in fact use small words (they are non readers after all)! 😉

4. Tell a personal story to make this relatable. If it’s a funny story than all the better. Nothing bonds people better than laughter try to work your best jokes into the story. Don’t discount the importance of this step! It’s important for a non reader to know its possible for someone like them, as far as they are on the other side of the fence, can cross that bridge into the world of reading. Tell them about the moment you fell in love with reading, about encountering the book that changed your life forever. Your story should have heart-warming, Hallmark quality to it.

5. Present the book/movie trick. Unless you’re a whizz with words (which if you are then why on earth are you reading this?) the non reader is still hesitant at this point but definitely more open-minded. This is the perfect time to sneak in the old book/movie trick. Find out their favorite movie by doing a quick search on Facebook, (bonus points if you already know what it is) and share the fact that their favorite movie was actually based off a book. (They all are these days). This will peak their interest and give them a sense of comfort of starting with something familiar. Now you can point out there’s a whole slew of books in the same genre as the book that was adapted into their favorite movie. Show them the many options that lie in their preferred category to get them started. (Goodreads would be the best way to do this but you may choose another site if you prefer).

6. Go in for the kill. Produce the perfect book for them that you had picked out before your meeting (yes I expect you to have known which book as any OFFICIAL bookworm would). Put it in their hands so they can physically hold it. Tell them how this could be the book that changes their life. This could be the book that opens their eyes. Say in a soft voice (for you don’t want to interrupt their thoughts) that all they have to do is give it a try. If they accept this book then you can say that you just converted a non reader to the bookworm religion.

CONGRATULATIONS! Grab your badge (by grab I mean copy and paste) and display it with pride my friend! You can officially say that you are an Official Bookworm deemed official! Go celebrate, you deserve it and you made the world a better place so be proud!

(While the narrator wishes you to celebrate in true form she feels obligated to remind you that it is never safe to read and drive).

Have you ever encountered someone who simply did not like reading and try to talk them into it? How did it go or what would you say if you were in that predicament? Share it below and happy reading!

17 thoughts on “Dreaming Novel Things: Converting People to the Bookworm Religion

  1. I have a friend who doesn’t like reading, but it’s due to his dyslexia so I let the issue drop. He and I watch movies instead now 🙂 Or I read while he watches soccer/hockey (that’s usually how it goes!)

  2. Most of my friends don’t like to read too much… They might read two/three books a year but they are not really into it. I tried to talk a few of them into reading some classics but it didn’t work out. The only books I can talk to them about are Game of Thrones. It’s better than nothing… 🙂

    • Yeah I have several friends too that are very close minded when it comes to reading so it’s a delicate thing to approach the subject. Congratulations! Games of Thrones got you the Official Bookworm badge! Wear it with pride! 😉 Thanks for reading!

  3. I’ve tried to get my little brother Tyla into reading by telling him there are loads of books out there he’ll like and I even gave him the Hunger Games trilogy once I’d finished with it as I knew it was a book series he’d really like, but sadly as he prefers sports and newspapers I don’t think I’ll ever manage to get him into books 😦

    • That is sad. Books are such a joy in life and it’s hard to watch someone we know would love it but deny it. You gave it a shot though so why not? Go ahead and take your Official Bookworm badge! 😉 Thanks for reading!

    • Thanks! That is so awesome that you have friends who love to read! In my family and friends I’m kind of alone so I’m always pushing books on them. (Which is part of the reason everyone was so encouraging about me starting a book blog, I think they were hoping it would get out all that energy). You should totally try it on your brother, if only for the shiny Official Bookworm badge! 😉 Thanks for reading!

  4. LOVE THIS!!!! I’m actually really proud to say that I’ve converted a few of my high school classmates to bookworms. Example: Junior year was the year my love for books really heightened. All the free time I had- I spent reading a book. I always had a book in one hand. A girl from my class (she was new) came up to me suddenly and asked what I was reading. I was actually reading the second book of The Summer I Turned Pretty Trilogy, It’s Not Summer Without You, and so I animatedly told her what it was about. I offered to lend her my copy but she was hesitant since she didn’t read much. I insisted and she finally agreed. The next day she came to me and told me she needed the next book. We’ve been good friends ever since and she still comes to me for book recommendations!

  5. I converted a couple of my non-reading friends into readers in high school. The same process happening again now that I’m college. I don’t really try that hard to get people to read, I guess the “power of reading”, rubs off them. It’s kinda infectious, lol. Great post by the way! It makes me happy to know that I get other people to love reading as much as I do 🙂

  6. OMG Lindsey this blog had me cracking up! Your narratorial (I think I just made that word up? Or not… Spellcheck isn’t threatening me with a squiggly red underline! Must have pulled that one from the deep recesses…) voice in these blogs, like that other one you wrote about the book shelf personalities, is absolutely hilarious (without being abrasive). You have a real knack for it. Of course I’ve felt so many times like the dilemma in #2 – having to listen to their “nonsense” about why they don’t enjoy reading. With the exception of special cases (I’ve read here an example of dyslexia, and I know that other reasons are applicable, i.e. bad eyesight), I just can’t understand it. Call me biased, but that’s the way it is! And on a further note, I don’t mean to be book snobby, but I guess a wave of exasperation always rides over me whenever a certain friend of mine tells me she just finished a book and I excitedly ask about it and she replies that it’s the twenty-something’th book in one of the many never ending series of the single genre she’s willing to read. I know we all have our fave types of books (those people who enjoy reading), but I get somewhat annoyed when people refuse to *ever* step out of their comfort zones and try something new. I have tried, to no avail, to convert many people into readers – and while I may inspire excitement or even vague curiosity about a particular story, it seems like I can’t convince them that reading is… well… fun! But I think I’m going to take some of these tips and try them out, because goodness knows the world could use more avid readers! I love this post, great job Lindsey! 😀

    • Thank you! I do admit that I have a lot of fun writing these posts. That’s not book snobbish at all! If I had a friend that was determined to read only ONE series of books I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from rolling my eyes. It’s not like they have to explore anything radical, they could stay within the same genre and still find a variety of great books. Thanks for reading! 🙂

  7. Pingback: Bookish Recap: August 25th – 31st | A Bookish Heart

  8. I totally fail at converting people. I mean, I have gotten a few people to read a book, but I haven’t ever been able to get a non-reader to become a bookworm. I tried converting my little brother– failed. I tried converting one of my best friends– failed. Tried converting a jerk that I am sort of friends with for some reason– failed. They either don’t listen or get bored too quickly.

    BUT! I haven’t been doing some of the steps in your guide… *scurries away to the nearest non-reader a.k.a her brother*

    • Haha, well to be honest with you, I haven’t been successful either. For me it’s a patience thing. I get so frustrated that they won’t give in immediately and just have to walk away. Its hard to understand someone not liking books.

      Hope you’re successful with your brother! Thanks for reading!

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